Unofficial Python Library for SESAME products from CANDY HOUSE, Inc.
This project aims to control SESAME devices by using the cloud service.
- Free software: MIT license
- Documentation: https://pysesame3.readthedocs.io
Supported devices¶
- Retrieve the device status (battery level, locked, handle position, etc.).
- Retrieve recent events (locked, unlocked, etc.) associated with a lock.
- Needless to say, locking, unlocking and clicking (for the bot)!
Please take a look at the documentation.
Related Projects¶
Name | Lang | Communication Method |
pysesame | Python | Sesame API v1/v2 |
pysesame2 | Python | Sesame API v3 |
pysesame3 | Python | Web API, CognitoAuth (The official android SDK reverse-engineered) |
pysesameos2 | Python | Bluetooth |
Name | Description | Communication Method |
doorman | Control SESAME3 from Homebridge by MQTT | Web API |
Doorlock | iOS widget for Sesame 3 smart lock | Web API |
gopy-sesame3 | NFC (Felica) integration | Web API |
homebridge-open-sesame | Homebridge plugin for SESAME3 | Cognito integration |
homebridge-sesame-os2 | Homebridge Plugin for SESAME OS2 (SESAME3) | Web API |
sesame3-webhook | Send SESAME3 status to specified url. (HTTP Post) | CognitoAuth (based on pysesame3 ) |
Credits & Thanks¶
- A huge thank you to all at CANDY HOUSE and their crowdfunding contributors!
- Thanks to @Chabiichi-san for the offer to get my SESAME bot!
- This project was inspired and based on tchellomello/python-ring-doorbell and snjoetw/py-august.